Electric Massagers Side Effects

Electric Massagers Side Effects

The earliest vibrating massagers were invented for medical purposes. Later on, they became more of a recreational tool rather than a medical tool. There are many types of electric massagers available today, and each has different features and functions. These include rolling massagers, vibrating rollers, portable massagers, dual-action, and shiatsu back massagers. Massagers help in…

Home Facial Massage: Step by step guide to doing a facial massage at home

Home Facial Massage: Step by step guide to doing a facial massage at home

Is it worth doing my facial massage at home? It is always better to do your facial massage at home. It is more cost-effective, you have control over the pressure and time of the massage, and it’s just plain convenient! Many people want to have glowing skin but cannot afford expensive treatments, or they just…

How to Perform a Leg Massage and How it helps in Blood Circulation?

How to Perform a Leg Massage and How it helps in Blood Circulation?

Leg massage is one of the most common types of bodywork, and for a good reason. It does many things to help your health, including increasing circulation! But does leg massage help circulation? And if so, how does it work? This article will answer all those questions and more. We’ll discuss what leg massage does,…

Can a massage chair help sciatica? – A Guide to massage for Sciatica

Can a massage chair help sciatica? – A Guide to massage for Sciatica

What is sciatica, and how can it be treated? Sciatica is a condition that affects the sciatic nerve, causing pain to travel through this large nerve. The pain commonly experienced from sciatica can be debilitating and may often radiate from the lower back throughout the legs and into the feet. While sciatica pain typically only…

Do Eye Massagers Work? Benefits, Precautions and How They Work

Do Eye Massagers Work? Benefits, Precautions and How They Work

Do eye massagers are essential for people that spend a lot of time on laptops or looking at screens? What is an Eye Massager? Eye massagers are devices that make use of pressure to relieve stress and tension in the muscles around your eyes. They do this by compressing the area between your eyebrows, which…

Reasons Head Massages Feel Good: How to Perform, Benefits & Precautions of Head Massage

Reasons Head Massages Feel Good: How to Perform, Benefits & Precautions of Head Massage

Why do head massages feel so good? A head massage can be a great way to relax and feel good. Head massage is also an excellent tool for improving posture and reducing headaches! Head massage is a type of touch therapy that has been practised for centuries. It involves using pressure and movements on the…

Steps to Not Giggle During Massage: Why Does It Tickle and How to Avoid it

Steps to Not Giggle During Massage: Why Does It Tickle and How to Avoid it

Causes of the ticklish sensation, and how do you avoid it? Many people find massages relaxing. They do not want to giggle or laugh during the massage because they worry it will be disrespectful to see how hard the masseuse works. It can be difficult not to giggle when someone starts working on your neck,…

Can Massage Chair Make You Dizzy? – Reasons Why, How to Prevent It

Can Massage Chair Make You Dizzy? – Reasons Why, How to Prevent It

Do you have a massage chair in your home? If so, do you ever feel dizzy when you leave the chair after using it for a while? Massage chairs have become a luxury purchase for many people. However, there are some side effects that you should be aware of before purchasing one. One potential side…

All About Massage Chair, Medical Expense and Tax-Deductible

All About Massage Chair, Medical Expense and Tax-Deductible

A massage chair is a great way to relax and find relief from the stresses of daily life. The constant tension to tighten your muscles can lead to pain in your neck, shoulders, back, and other places on your body. A massage chair will alleviate these pains by releasing muscle knots and relaxing rest or…

How do you disassemble a massage chair?

How do you disassemble a massage chair?

The question is often asked, “How do you disassemble a massage chair?” The answer to that question isn’t straightforward because there are many different chairs on the market. Massage chairs can be found in either an upholstered or metal frame with foam material padding. Or they may have just a fabric cover without any cushioning…

How to Make Cannabis Massage Oil (CBD or THC)?

How to Make Cannabis Massage Oil (CBD or THC)?

Ready to get started on making your cannabis massage oil? What is cannabis massage oil? Cannabis massage oil is a topical lotion that can relieve muscle pain, reduce inflammation and even lower stress levels. It is made by extracting therapeutic compounds like CBD or THC from cannabis flowers. Cannabis massage oil is a cannabis-infused oil…